Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Under the Weather

Sorry I havent really been faithful to you. I fell off this weekend, partly because I was running around, sick as a dog, feeling like I got run over by an oil truck. I have had 2 sleepless nights in a row, coughing up my mighty death, I mustve done this wrong for the Mighty one to deprive me of my beauty sleep.
I got a haircut this weekend. Just did some layering and some side bangs, it look cute, I guess. Something different.
Its snowing out. Time to go home yet?
Ready to throw on some sweats and nice big comfy and watch some twisted Lifetime movies. You know what? I'll even try my hand again at getting my KFC Honey BBQ wings. Damn, I cant believe this, I cant even get some chicken wings,cant a girl just crave something and get it? Ugh