Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sound Off...

I've been rather quiet since Sundays CB/RiRi Drama. Its a story Ive been very closely following, and honestly, keeping an open mind, a neutral stance. This is a very touchy topic, very personal and I am so sorry that they are having to go through these tough times in front of the WHOLE WORLD. Damn, imagine all you and your husbands/boyfriends dirt, out in the open for everyone to see and speculate and judge and draw their own conclusions. This is probably one of the worst things that can happen to them, they are such beautiful talents, its a shame that it came down to whatever in the world happened. Simply put- noone really knows what went down in that car except Chris and Rihanna. So many different things could have went down, due to the Grammys, I can imagine that stress levels were through the roof, emotions running wild, maybe some drinking at the party, so many things could have come into play to make their night.... a disaster.
Every relationship has its problems, and there were red flags when only a few months into the relationship, they were getting matching tattoos! Too much, too fast for these young ones. I am not condoning what happened (we still truly don't know what did), but one thing they shouldve done was take it inside- wait till you get to the privacy of your own home to pop off, and never go for the face, especially them that they are public figures... seems to me they still have a lot to learn in the world of dysfunctional love.


Anonymous said...

Um...., no matter what, physical abuse is NEVER OK. I don't care if there is stress or liquor involved. You are right, no one really knows what happened. But what I'm hearing is that he hit her. And if that's the truth then he is wrong and should be punished for it. What pisses me off about these celebrities is that they forget that they are celebrities and their dirty laundry will be out there for everyone to see. That's the type of lifestyle they chose to have and they become role models for so many young people. I understand everyone is human and they are allowed mistakes but it is just so darn upsetting. I just hope he gets punished just like any regular Joe Schmo would. We need to send the message that there are consequences for your actions, celebrity or not.

Complicated...Fashionista said...

Its a shame that there business is being put out there like that. I hope that they straiten out and both tell the truth about what happened. I love RiRi , but I'm kind of glad this happened. This is a topic everyone keeps on the hush, and almost everyone goes thru. Them being famous doesn't make them inhuman. And if she did have a nasty lil habit of hitting him whenever they argued, then she got what she asked for...like mama said "if someone hits you, you hit them back". some woman think its okay to slap their man in the heat of passion and then cry "abuse" when they get it right back. If you cant take the heat stay out the kitchen...lmao!