Thursday, February 19, 2009

Movie Night!

Today started off a little rocky, but it ended so nicely... I had a date with one of my girls from work. We have been dying to see "Hes just not that into you" , and she felt it was the right time for me to get out and laugh a bit. So I left it in Ms.Last's hands to find the nearest AMC theatre, no problem, right? WRONG.
We left work, walked all the way downtown, 6th and 4th ave to be exact, in the brick ass cold, at this point I know I'm catching some kind of pneumonia... It was a little weird, with all those hippie NYU kids all around, I kept asking to make sure we were going to right way...Noone second guesses Ms.Last- she was positive we were walking in the right direction, until... 15 minutes later when we get to the "destination", only thing is that our destination was a block full of broken down brownstones that NYU kids probably use to light up in... UGH! You can imagine my frustration, looking like Dumb and Dumber ( boogers and all that coming down our noses), we hailed a cab... only the cab meter happened to break while we had gotten in... we get out in the middle of the street and hail ANOTHER cab and finally on our way to 19th street...
Get to the theatres, get a snack, a hotdog to be exact... damn.. brb-gotta go barf that, completely forgot I'm not supposed to be eating pork, shit.. dont ask-long story.
Movie was cute, and funny. I did shed a tear towards the end, a lot of the movie is true- real life situations. Sometimes the truth does hurt- but its better to hear the hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie...
A glass of Pinot @ Republic to end the night... thanks Ms.Last for a memorable night!


Anonymous said...

excuse missed the fact that a bike was THIS CLOSE to hitting you were in a tizzy when we switched cabs and checking your blackberry HAHAHA.