Friday, February 27, 2009

Kick Rocks...

Appreciate... is the word of the day.
1 a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of b: to value or admire highly c: to judge with heightened perception or understanding : be fully aware of d: to recognize with gratitude

Last night, after having a wonderful evening, I got a disturbing phone call from a good friend. It was so sad but, unfortunately these are the situations we seem to get ourselves into. I pity the man who doesn't know how to APPRECIATE.. the reason I pity them is because, something so easy to inherit or learn, they lack(at least most men I know), and because they lack the art of appreciating, the act of just KNOWING, they lose everything good in their life. To lose the best thing in your life because you couldn't APPRECIATE what you had, must haunt you and will haunt you for the rest of your life. Take it from my father... who lives with regret everyday of his life, and how miserable must that be.
The fact that they are so selfish to realize that half of the things we do for them... we don't HAVE TO... the fact that we will stop our dreams and live their lives for them to be happy, they just don't care... where did this feeling of entitlement come from? I know.. from us... the fact they we truly hope that one day they will notice that we are here, lying underneath their feet.. one day they will realize right? They have to. Again,we could only dream.
If only they would APPRECIATE what they have when they have it... For all the men out there... make a list... make a list of all the good things you had with her... and another list of all the good things you have without that good woman... see the difference?

My girl is going to be okay, and I know that there ARE good men out there... good single men? Now that's a little more difficult... but the right one for you, will come around.. I promise, until then.. tell him to GO KICK ROCKS.