Friday, February 27, 2009

Daily Feng Shui Love Dose

Place a pair of objects together, like 2 mandarin ducks or 2 cranes that mate for life, that will represent successful partnering in the far right rear corner of the bedroom or the Southwest corner

Single Men Alert!!!

For all you single ladies! Word on the street is that Lucky Strikes on WestSide is THE place to be! Even if you have no idea how to roll the ball, roll your ass over there and you just might hit a strike!!! Let me know how it goes! Happy Bowling!

Kick Rocks...

Appreciate... is the word of the day.
1 a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of b: to value or admire highly c: to judge with heightened perception or understanding : be fully aware of d: to recognize with gratitude

Last night, after having a wonderful evening, I got a disturbing phone call from a good friend. It was so sad but, unfortunately these are the situations we seem to get ourselves into. I pity the man who doesn't know how to APPRECIATE.. the reason I pity them is because, something so easy to inherit or learn, they lack(at least most men I know), and because they lack the art of appreciating, the act of just KNOWING, they lose everything good in their life. To lose the best thing in your life because you couldn't APPRECIATE what you had, must haunt you and will haunt you for the rest of your life. Take it from my father... who lives with regret everyday of his life, and how miserable must that be.
The fact that they are so selfish to realize that half of the things we do for them... we don't HAVE TO... the fact that we will stop our dreams and live their lives for them to be happy, they just don't care... where did this feeling of entitlement come from? I know.. from us... the fact they we truly hope that one day they will notice that we are here, lying underneath their feet.. one day they will realize right? They have to. Again,we could only dream.
If only they would APPRECIATE what they have when they have it... For all the men out there... make a list... make a list of all the good things you had with her... and another list of all the good things you have without that good woman... see the difference?

My girl is going to be okay, and I know that there ARE good men out there... good single men? Now that's a little more difficult... but the right one for you, will come around.. I promise, until then.. tell him to GO KICK ROCKS.

DVF- Last Night-Candace Bushnell!!!!

I had such a great time last night! Feeling fabulous as ever... walking down with my girl to 14th and 10th for an event at DVF store,but before we crossed the street, we hid behind garbage and changed from our nasty lame flats to our fly 5inch heels!... Got there and immediately went for the champagne ( no "slender" wine was being served, so next best thing...) There were supposed to be Godiva chocolate being passed around, but I guess we mustve missed it, besides I had enough stored in my belly from Valentines! There were so many women, professional women, successful women, it was so inspiring... The best part was Candace Bushnell! I mean cmon she bought us Mr.Big!!! SATC, Lipstick Jungle!! We stood right in front of her while she spoke(and she spoke for a while) she looks amazing for being 50+. She had some wise words and got me thinking...
The photographer was on me and Ms.Last all night, he wanted to take pictures of us everywhere... so of course when time came to take a picture with Candace.. he wasn't around, ugh. So, being me being me, I tracked his ass down and he took like 5 pictures of us together!HaHa.. got it!
After the event we went out for late dinner and I met two wonderful young professional ladies... it was so nice to be in the presence of people who have the same interests and are motivated to be successful... not just be complacent with having babies and living on our tax money, feeling like OctoMom is their inspiration. I had such a wonderful night... I feel like I'm starting to find myself again, and it feels good. xoxo

Stay tuned for the pics!

RiRi/CB Update

Rumor has it that Chris is going to plead self-defense!!! Saying that Rihanna took his phone and started hitting him in the face... so to "protect" himself, he punched her dead in her forehead, backhanded her to split her lip and then bit her... nice Chris... nice.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It all started with a Philly cheesesteak...

Now my claws are out and I'm being my feisty little Colombian self. You see, here lies the problem. I ate yesterday, I mean I ATE... like a HUGE steak sandwich, all the works, peppers, onions and of course alot of ketchup... THEN at the train station I ordered a chicken salad wrap!!! OMG- talk about compulsive eating! So today I vowed to balance my calories out and now all I have ate today is a bowl of Special K and black coffee! I apologize for my nastiness, and for those that will encounter it a little later today, I apologize beforehand! xoxo

Ask me how class went...

FABULOUS!!! Keeping in mind that I am writing on public space,lol. No, really though I liked the class alot, it was a good first day, only about 13 students in the class and my prof. is fly! She used to be the Fashion Director/Editor at Essence magazine and now styles celebrities. She just came back from styling at the Oscars! I could definitely learn alot from her, she has had a lot of life experiences and is very wise. Everyone seemed really nice, it didn't look like everyone was there for the right reason, but hey... I'm there to better myself so could care less what everyone elses motives are. It was a 3 hour class, and I felt like I couldve stayed there all night. I'm excited for this, and hopefully I will get opportunities out of this.
Getting home was a different story... I cant even lie.. after class I walked out into the streets of NYC and felt sooooo lonely... Lonely in the City. I walked from 28th to 23rd street to catch the path, got to hoboken around 935pm and had to wait an HOUR for my next train, ugh. Ended up getting home around 11. Definitely a long, but PRODUCTIVE day.
I'm getting back to the old me, keeping busy, 3 jobs, no sleep, RocStar drinks all day... I love it! This is when I'm most hungry for progress, this is when I'm at my best. I'm my own Mike Tyson and I am NOT knocking myself out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rihanna Preggos?

Not sure how much of this is true, but two gossip magazines are claiming that RiRi is pregnant! Only time will tell...

Would you like a Dime bag with that?

I thought this was HILARIOUS, and quite a genius business move. This 27 year old McDonalds worker from Maryland was selling weed out of the drive thru window!!! I wonder how long he was doing this before he was caught? He mustve kept them coming back for more, weed, Big Mac, weed... lol.

Freshman Again

Today is my first class at FIT and I am so nervous. I know it sounds corny, but its true! I was thinking all night about what I should wear, very limited because I will be going straight from work. I knew I couldn't try TOO hard, but I had to be true to myself. I needed to be comfortable, and not look like the Olson twins. I don't even have a notebook! Do I have to buy one? Ugh... so nervous, I know everyone there will be thinking that they are ALREADY stylist to the stars, and think that they are the next Rachel Zoe, all of them probably rejects from the Tyra produced show "Stylista". Okay- I have to remember to keep an open mind, stop judging. But really, I think this will be awesome for my soul right now. I will be busy, meeting new people with the same interests and I know it will be fun! I'm excited! EEEK! The ONLY thing that sucks about this is me taking the train so late, I have to catch a 10:25pm to get home, so I'll be getting home by 11(hopefully), let me tell you Teterboro is scary as shit at night...Well, off to Staples, try to find me a cute "stylish" notebook, lol. Come back tomorrow.. I'll let you know all about it! xoxo

Ash Wednesday

Ever wonder why there's people with ashy foreheads walking around once a year on a Wednesday? For those of you who are not familiar with this, its because its Ash Wednesday... to be honest, it wasn't until a few years ago that I knew the true meaning of what this day represented, I know some one you still don't. I thought this might be helpful-

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and occurs forty-six days (forty days not counting Sundays) before Easter. Every year the date is different.
Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. In the liturgical practice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Catechumens[1] (one of the sacred oils used to anoint those about to be baptized), though some churches use ordinary oil. This paste is used by the priest who presides at the service to make the sign of the cross, first upon his own forehead and then on each of those present who kneel before him at the altar rail. As he does so, he recites the words:

"Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

This day also marks a day of giving something up- I was breaking my brain thinking all night of what I should choose to give up. It had to be realistically possible... I'm not trying to go to Hell. So I woke up this morning when my sugy came in and was confused herself. There was NO WAY she was giving up the Jonas Brothers! She was still in limbo, but I had chosen. I am giving up Pepsi, I have been drinking it alot lately, and I LOVE it... so while I am giving something up for the man who gave his life up for us... I'll also be losing tons of sugar weight!!! Win Win situation!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When is it too much?

See this right here, is just plain nasty... you can see her bones, her face is yellow and her eyes are red, she looks so sickly. Look how much fuller she was just last year, she looks healthy. Someone needs to let her know that men(including Samantha) like a little more junk in the trunk, cushion for the pushin, haha, that was corny! That powder diet shes on, is no good... she looks gross.

You know what they say...

A couple who works out together... stays together. I thought this was such a cute pic of them both.. and you know I'm a Kim K fan, Reggies not so bad himself... yum...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Turning over a new Leaf...

After a day of soul searching... a little help from an outside source too... I realized that tears wont change anything.
Screaming wont change anything.
Being angry as ever wont change anything.
Two wrongs don't make a right, in any way I look at it. No reason to be vindictive, I would only be hurting myself. Me lashing out every chance I get wont fix whats been broken. Me forgiving, but never forgetting, will help the process. Whats done is done, and if I plan on moving forward, I have to be positive again, and realize that I am never alone. If its meant to be, it will be. I have to go back to being the happy person I was just a few months ago, I cant let this "situation" turn me into someone I'm not. Before this, I was always smiling and loved life and loved being in love, I want that back, I need that back. Besides, all this crying can bring out unnecessary wrinkles, and I'm too fly for that,lol.
So I promise that this will be the last posting of a sad love story. The next one will be on how happy I am, either because we went back to "our normal" or because I found new happiness. To be continued...

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Words... You cant take them back.

Yesterday I said some things to someone.
Some harsh things, the truth, my truth.
I try sometimes to curb what I say, but in the midst of an emotional breakdown, its not quite as easy.
I wont apologize, because I meant every word I said.
I felt every word I wrote.
So its my fault for being honest, key word being honest, here.
I'm supposed to curb my words so I wont hurt you as much,
But did you curb your actions to lessen my hurt?
Its easy to sit there and tell me theres no reason to cry,
when pain like this you have never felt.

If I would be home right now, I would invite you over and cook some hot grits for you...

Happy Birthday?

Birthdays should be a time to celebrate, have fun, share good times with your friends and family. Unfortunately for Rihanna, I dont think she will be doing much celebrating. On the eve of her birthday, the disturbing pictures of her smashed up face leaked on the net. Its sucks that her business was out there for everyone to speculate, but now her face is out there too.
Well, for whatever its worth,Happy Birthday to Rihanna...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Movie Night!

Today started off a little rocky, but it ended so nicely... I had a date with one of my girls from work. We have been dying to see "Hes just not that into you" , and she felt it was the right time for me to get out and laugh a bit. So I left it in Ms.Last's hands to find the nearest AMC theatre, no problem, right? WRONG.
We left work, walked all the way downtown, 6th and 4th ave to be exact, in the brick ass cold, at this point I know I'm catching some kind of pneumonia... It was a little weird, with all those hippie NYU kids all around, I kept asking to make sure we were going to right way...Noone second guesses Ms.Last- she was positive we were walking in the right direction, until... 15 minutes later when we get to the "destination", only thing is that our destination was a block full of broken down brownstones that NYU kids probably use to light up in... UGH! You can imagine my frustration, looking like Dumb and Dumber ( boogers and all that coming down our noses), we hailed a cab... only the cab meter happened to break while we had gotten in... we get out in the middle of the street and hail ANOTHER cab and finally on our way to 19th street...
Get to the theatres, get a snack, a hotdog to be exact... damn.. brb-gotta go barf that, completely forgot I'm not supposed to be eating pork, shit.. dont ask-long story.
Movie was cute, and funny. I did shed a tear towards the end, a lot of the movie is true- real life situations. Sometimes the truth does hurt- but its better to hear the hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie...
A glass of Pinot @ Republic to end the night... thanks Ms.Last for a memorable night!

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words....

This is what CB did... I'm speechless

Finally! A "Skinny" Wine

I saw this on the news this morning and it completely made my day! Chateau Thomas Winery came out with a sugar free wine called "Slender"! So now I can be a lush and not gain the weight! Loves it!!! This wine will be given out on the day of the Oscars,this Sunday. It came right on time for the Wine Expo. Ladies, we can be summer ready and not have to layoff our daily drinks!

Check out the link below! Cheers to this!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thought I'd share...

little tidbits of my day.

I missed teaching my girls today. Next week is their first "official" game, hopefully they will stop playing patty cake and pause to shoot the ball. Today was rough I must admit, watchful eyes all over me, but then again, looking the way I did today, what did I expect? One of my coworkers must have noticed my pain because he came by and gave me one of the best gifts- gift of knowledge- a book. Almost as if it were meant for me, it had come today in the mail for him- The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit. Extremely appropriate gift for today, for my forever. I must admit, I am lucky to have very few, but very good listeners at work. Thanks for that-

I want to try to live in each day, I think I worry t o much about the future, so much so, that my today passes me by. I don't want that.


The truth hurts- real bad.
They say becareful what you ask for because you just might get it.
Look and you will find, right?

I went in with eyes wide open.
Came home with eyes closed shut.


I am so glad that classes got moved up to next Wednesday because I honestly couldnt/wouldnt focus today. Celebrity styling! Cant wait, another notch on my belt, another way I am bettering myself and I love it. Going to FIT will be a new experience and I believe will be a great one, meeting new people that have the same interests as me. Those of you who know me, know I don't belong at a desk! I belong under the white tents this week, with a Clautini(my new drink) in hand! Loving it! Shout out to Ms.Last, who inspired me to register at FIT... thank you mamas!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Daily Feng Shui Love Dose

Downsize From a King to a QueenSleeping on a huge mattress won't cultivate intimacy. Invest in a comfortable queen-sized bed if you'd like to find the love of your life. If you simply can't make the switch, make sure to sleep on patterned sheets to add some zest to your sex life.

Got Facebook? Get F*cked...

Did you know that FaceBook owns all the rights to EVERYTHING you upload onto your profile? Including pictures, etc? Thats right, even after you close your account, they own your pictures and can do whatever they like with them. Shouldve read the fine print kiddies!!! Hopefully none of you will become famous, cause your nasty neked picures will be up for sale before you can say "tittays!!!"


MTV= Music Television, right? Wrong. When was the last time you saw videos on MTV? Seems like all I ever catch on there are fake reality shows and 16 year old spoiled kids competing, trying to have the best sweet sixteen, cause what else really matters at that age?
Anyway, I'm writing this because tonight at 6pm, MTV is airing a Chris Brown and Rihanna special.. WTF? Seriously? Who the hell has the right to be up there talking about Ike and Tina? We just don't know how to stay the hell out of peoples personal lives, damn, they are just like us. Regular ass people, with twisted issues, except with more zeros in their bank accounts. MTV is going to have an "inside" look at their "volatile" relationship... meanwhile, Rihannas cousin came out on the record today and said that her injuries are not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Listen, we need the damn pictures!!! Until then, I will, as most of you will be, watching the special and soaking in everyone relationship misery, after all, it does love company! MTV tonight at 6pm. Let me know your thoughts... xoxo

Like a Phantom...

Cupid shot an arrow and knocked me off my ass.
He came bearing gifts... Roses, chocolates and a teddy bear...
He wanted to follow tradition, he says...
He definitely followed tradition on my birthday...
Too much, too little , too late?

Its either love me or leave me alone... right?
You are either in or your're out... right?
You are with me or your not... right?
What are you supposed to do when you walk away, but somehow, something always brings you back. At this point I'm not even sure what to think anymore. A sweet surprise? Or just another trip down memory lane, what was, what couldve been...

Weekend Wrap-Up

Hope everyone had a nice Vday! I had a great time, which I thought would be impossible. My girl took me out to dinner to a nice little restaurant, food was delicious, I actually ate. Then we went to a small bar and had a very nice time, real SATC vibe. It was actually quite funny, trying real hard not to be a bitter bitch from all the unnecessary bullshit that I have been through, but I couldn't try hard enough, all the couples around us looked so phony, one couple were looking like they were arguing! HAHA. Stupid. i don't know, everything just looks so forced on this made up day. Like I said before, when I was in a relationship, everyday was special and filled with love.

I got my Sugy, some pink and brown rain boots for Valentines Day. There hasn't been a year that I don't get her something, I always make sure she knows her worth, and tell her that no matter what she will always have a "Valentine" bc I'll always be around. Shes my life...

Well, if you spent it with your friends, family or your special someone, I hope it was great and took the time to realize that tomorrow is never promised, so don't let February 14th be the only day you show those around you how much you love them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Between CB/RiRi and the crazy ass mom of 14, I don't know what to think anymore. Its over saturation, and I cant deal. So many different tales of what everyone claims to be the truth. The picture I am about to post was the first thing I saw online today and I wanted to throw up my Special K bar... this is disgusting, its a disgrace, I have no idea what this dumb ass broad was/is thinking. Taking care of the babies with student loans? She needs to admit herself into the mental hospital, instead of "working" there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

FHM...Here we come!

Hey everyone! We finally got the proofs back from the shoot at the Rivington... Most, if not all, are a little too risque to put up, but this is one I thought was okay... These are not even photoshopped! She looks amazing!

We have another shoot in Brooklyn at the end of the month. Should be fun. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sound Off...

I've been rather quiet since Sundays CB/RiRi Drama. Its a story Ive been very closely following, and honestly, keeping an open mind, a neutral stance. This is a very touchy topic, very personal and I am so sorry that they are having to go through these tough times in front of the WHOLE WORLD. Damn, imagine all you and your husbands/boyfriends dirt, out in the open for everyone to see and speculate and judge and draw their own conclusions. This is probably one of the worst things that can happen to them, they are such beautiful talents, its a shame that it came down to whatever in the world happened. Simply put- noone really knows what went down in that car except Chris and Rihanna. So many different things could have went down, due to the Grammys, I can imagine that stress levels were through the roof, emotions running wild, maybe some drinking at the party, so many things could have come into play to make their night.... a disaster.
Every relationship has its problems, and there were red flags when only a few months into the relationship, they were getting matching tattoos! Too much, too fast for these young ones. I am not condoning what happened (we still truly don't know what did), but one thing they shouldve done was take it inside- wait till you get to the privacy of your own home to pop off, and never go for the face, especially them that they are public figures... seems to me they still have a lot to learn in the world of dysfunctional love.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Justin to the rescue?

UPDATE: Insiders are running around trying to get Mr.Timberlake to replace Chris Brown as a performer... Damn, crazy times... But I must stress again- violence is NEVER the answer, I know its easier said than done, but we must try to tame ourselves.

Got one on PEREZ!!!

BREAKING NEWS!! So, just got wind of this crazy Grammy story... After Clives Davis Grammy party last night Chris Brown got in a limo with "an unidentified woman", a fight broke out, she got her face smashed in, called the cops and now Chris Brown is under investigation! To top it all off, Chris and his lady, Rihanna just pulled out of the Grammys tonight, literally about 10 minutes ago! I could so picture the both of them going at it, all jokes aside, Chris is a bitch if he laid a hand on Ri- I hope she got a few smacks in at least! Damn, talk about Disturbia.... More info as it comes in...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Single on VDay? No sweat!

Here are 10 reasons why its great to be single on Valentines Day:

1. It's a great excuse to get sloshed with your closest girlfriends. Not that we need an excuse.
2. You don't have to smile through gritted teeth when you get ridiculously lame lingerie as a gift.
3. There's no better night to pick up guaranteed-single men at the bar.
4. You can see if you really can make it through the whole winter without shaving your legs.
5. You don't have to listen to anyone's "Valentine's Day is just a made-up commercial holiday, blah blah blah" speech.
6. It's the perfect day to blow your New Year's resolution to eat healthy by buying yourself a box of chocolates — Godiva, not supermarket-brand.
7. There's no better time to practice some self-love with a deep-tissue masssage at a fantastic spa.
8. You're not spending it with that idiot you spent last Valentine's Day with.(MY FAVORITE REASON)
9. It's perfectly acceptable to spend the day working late, eat Chinese take-out for dinner in your extra-large fleece pajamas, and not put out before you go to bed.
10. You can spend it with the hottest, funniest, and smartest person you know — you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good Times

I thought I'd share this with all 3 of my loyal followers, lol. I found this picture this past weekend and fell in love with her all over again. She is my best friend, and some silly nonsense, kinda made us drift apart. I still have hope of rekindling our friendship, after all, she was the best spooner I have ever had!!! Lmao!

Seriously though- these were the great times... When our only worries were what color Fendi shoes we should wear to match our Fendi shades... *Sigh*

Under the Weather

Sorry I havent really been faithful to you. I fell off this weekend, partly because I was running around, sick as a dog, feeling like I got run over by an oil truck. I have had 2 sleepless nights in a row, coughing up my mighty death, I mustve done this wrong for the Mighty one to deprive me of my beauty sleep.
I got a haircut this weekend. Just did some layering and some side bangs, it look cute, I guess. Something different.
Its snowing out. Time to go home yet?
Ready to throw on some sweats and nice big comfy and watch some twisted Lifetime movies. You know what? I'll even try my hand again at getting my KFC Honey BBQ wings. Damn, I cant believe this, I cant even get some chicken wings,cant a girl just crave something and get it? Ugh

How to find your Obama...

I thought this was a great article and alot of the things said are tried and true... So ladies if you don't want to spend another Valentines Day alone, check out the link below...