Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

OMG Sugys birthday had me soooo tired!!! 20 11yr olds= MADNESS. She had such a great time and that's what counts. So it was my time to have fun on Saturday... My cousin came to pick me up around 830, and we went to a place in Edgewater called "Sabor", everything was great! We had some churrasco with yuca and guacamole dip! The music was awesome!!! Of course music runs in my blood, I make no excuses, move out my way when a song I feel comes on!!!
The funniest part was when all of a sudden my cousin seems distant and dazed, then I asked her what was wrong and she told me to put my stuff away because in her words 'its going down!" LMAO!!! I was dying... later I found out that some older woman were talking sh*t about me and making it blatantly obvious and that pissed off my cousin. Please- I wasn't there to take your man, I was there with my cousin to have a good time. Besides, if you had taken the extra time to fix your hair and maybe put some mascara on, then maybe you would've felt better about yourself. Its nice to be able to go out with family and have a good time. I stayed at her place, and she woke my ass up at 8am Sunday morning talking about, lets go get breakfast! I don't even eat bfast ( but I did!)... We must do it again soon- thanks cuzo for having my back ( next time keep the limit to 2 Mojitos!!! HAHAHA)