Thursday, January 22, 2009

Free Cosmetics? True...

I didn't want to write about this until I went out and found out the truth, I wanted to report the facts to all my loyal readers, yes, all two of you! Well, I went to the mall yesterday and went into Macys, and it was madness!!! There were about 10 tables filled with different cosmetics, anything from skincare,makeup to perfumes. All you had to do was say that you bought something, no proof needed. The line wrapped around twice, now we all know I don't do lines... in any sense of the phrase(haha), so I stood sideline and observed. People bought their families, teenagers,husbands, abuelitas, thier babysitters, anyone you can think of, it was so ridiculous! But times are tough, so I understand... Besides Valentines Day is coming up, some can save that free gift and "regift" it! Ok, after my observations that Macys was just a madhouse, I walked over to Neimans, they were smart- had a huge red sign stating "SOLD OUT". I walked over to the Dior counter and asked the lady what the deal was, she said that on the 20th over 5000 people showed up for the freebies, they were gone the same day. Now I know where all the unemployed were... Jersey does have the highest rate. So, for the many of you who were lucky and determined enough to get the free goodies, Congrats! "Free" is always fabulous!


Anonymous said...

ps great pic...being that fly DEFINITELY doesn't come easy.

Anonymous said...

"being this fly doesn't come easy!" ....umm...are your freaking for real?? LOL

Anonymous said...

so did you end up getting anything free???? ~Adri