Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Convenient Girlfriend

1.Suited or favorable to one's comfort, purpose, or needs
2. a. Easy to reach; accessible
b. Close at hand; near

I'm not sure how many of you fall into this category, but I think its safe to say that a lot of us have felt this way at one point in our lives- if you haven't? Congratulations~
A relationship- at HIS convenience, is what I am referring to. How did we let it get to this point? The point in which he needs you to type up a letter of recommendation for him, so alluvasudden those phone calls start coming in. He needs to borrow your car for a couple of days, so the friendly text messages start. He doesn't want to attend his friends wedding by himself and he knows FOR SURE you will say "yes", so he asks you to go with him last minute. His friends have gone out Saturday night with their girls, and hes left alone- he calls you, knowing you will fly over to him.

Why are we so available? Why don't we realize that we have options and can do so much better? Why do we feel we must settle? Why do we fall into this "convenient" rut?
We continue to get used- and for whatever reason... we like it?
Are we here just to serve a purpose and if so, what in the world can that be?

La costumbre es mas fuerte que el amor

Break the cycle ladies... we too can call the shots...