Thursday, July 23, 2009

Single & Clueless

This is alot more stressful than I thought, this dating game. I feel so silly asking people what the "rules" are, but I have no idea how to go about things! Sounds so crazy, but I never "dated" anyone!!! I feel like I'm learning to walk...

What date do you kiss on?
What questions do you ask?
When do you go to his house?
What do you wear?
How much do you say?
Am I really interested?
Do I see myself in a relationship with him?
So many questions you must ask! So new to this shit, I wish I could skip this step...This man seems nice, has good qualities, but I just don't know, I don't know...Is being afraid of something new going to have me miss a possible opportunity with a good man? Is two dates even enough to be contemplating a relationship? But then why waste your time if you know or don't think he could be a "partner in crime" (take that line how you want) haha. Starting over is so damn hard- this shit is not for me... is it too late to join a convent???