Friday, July 3, 2009

Good For Nothing

So last night after the show, I hop in the truck around 1am, after a long work day, I'm so thrilled to be heading back home, thoughts of my comfy big bed, thinking about cuddling with my bear, smiling as I'm heading down 10th ave.. when, POP! There goes the tire. You've got to be kidding me, I sit in the car thinking. Who am I going to call at 1something in the am to help me out??? Obvious, the only person I know in the city who would be up, but calling and texting to no avail... Luckily I remembered all the tire spots and was able to get there and get it fixed, some dollars/hours later, I was on my way. But the whole point of this is that this person who said they would do anything for me, couldn't even pick up the phone during what I felt was an "emergency". So this person promised to do anything? Yes, more like ANYTHING EXCEPT EVERYTHING. Dont volunteer yourself for shit if you cant keep your word, why is it so hard for people to keep their words nowadays? Good for nothing, thats what it is. But I realized that I didnt need any help afterall, got that shit taken care of on my own. So sad, that all we have is ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Lmao! Glad you got that fixed... but next time, call me... dont take those steps back..