Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Last Night

Was hilarious. I went to a Twisted Sister event at China Club, actually I think the event was called Rock Of Ages. Anyway, coming from WSOU, I was surrounded by heavy metal/rock for 4 years, and grew to love it. Needless to say, the rocker chick in me came out. I cant imagine what going on tour with them must be like! I was introduced to everyone, and they were all so nice. After that, went over to Amalia, it was cool, and I got VIP parking right next to the red ferrari! lol... After I was done there, had to head over to 44th... which I still cant understand why it took me an hour to get from 55th and broadway to 44th and 8th. So fucking bizarre...

Check out the pics, so funny! Dee Snyder's half cut off and Jay Jay French looking at the other cameras, and me trying so hard it hurt! haha