Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Freaks come out at Night

Yesterday I was supposed to show face at this place, Amalia/D'Or, well... I didn't. Instead I chose to walk the whole Central Park and just breathe in all the nasty fresh horse poop. It was so relaxing, I decided to sit on the nearest bench, next to the water and just people watch. I was amazed at the variety of people that I saw. I think I saw someone from every part of the world, not only that, but also, all types of characters, hippies, rockers, backpackers. It felt so good to be part of this amazing place, where you can taste whatever flavor your ummm,tongue? desires, whatever color you choose to paint with. What some might call "freaks" were out and about, but who am I? They were probably looking at me and thinking the same thing because my glare was burning a hole through them, staring at everyone as if I had never been in mass population before, as if I had just been let out, like Girl Interrupted. Not only did the *freaks* come out, but so did the damn bugs, and boy, I must have some sweet blood because they ate me right up! Looking like I got the chicken pox... *sigh*