Monday, July 13, 2009

A Lifetime in a year...

This day last year was a Sunday and I was in Queens, assuming the role of the good girlfriend, ripping and running, meeting deadlines, and going against the current, in every way-fighting for what/who I loved and never cared what the fam thought- Unconditional love. I wish I knew that a year from that Sunday, I was to be single...Getting fed promises that never would come to fruition. In a year, I feel like I've lived a lifetime. A year ago today I was in love with my man, today I'm in love with my ex.
But we're no longer holding on to what WAS, let me focus on what WILL BE... and I know I will be partying my past away tonight! There's nothing like a summer Monday night in NYC!!!
Bottoms Up!


Anonymous said...

damn....a year ago......I was planning my "family vaca" to Disney. So sad.