Thursday, May 14, 2009

Single for the Summer? Turn on the heat!

Found this on MSN today and thought it was appropriate for feelings as of late...

The 10 Seduction Tools Every Woman Needs:

1. Enough money of your own to let him know you're not interested in his.(Ladies, that whole golddigging era should be over, get your own...)
2. Flip-flops, stilettos and the sense to know which'll work best on him.(Not sure I'm with the flipflops,heels makes your legs AND ass look that much better!)
3. Dance moves that don't look like moves (but totally are).(Got this one down!)
4. An overgrown bikini wax and ratty undies — a virtual guarantee someone will undress you tonight.
5. A busy life full of friends, work, to-dos, ta-das and, oh yes, maybe, just maybe, time for a date sometime next week. (I admit, got to work on this
6. A birth control plan that heads off any post-seduction panic.
7. Underwear too sexy to wear under anything. (A MUST)
8. A dirty joke you can tell with confidence.
9. Steady eye contact (a lost art). (I say, dont look away, keep gazing...)
10. Knowing that your real body — no boob job, no butt implants, no Botox — is the best seduction tool of all.

Use some of these seductions tools and maybe you'll find some summer lovin... good luck!


Anonymous said...

I say "Amen" to #1 and #10!!!!!!!!!