Friday, May 29, 2009

Back in action...

I was out of commission yesterday, apologies for that, but I'm back and better than ever. There was this negative cloud hanging around me for a while, and I'm pretty sure, that after Wednesday, that cloud wont be coming back, ever. And I have only one person to thank. Its so funny because what we see as tragedy, is only truly a blessing, we cant see clearly through the tears that we drown in, but once you wipe them away, your focus is back. Thank you for those who stood by me and heard all my cries, but I truly believe this chapter is finally closed. Time for happiness again.. only good times ahead, I'll make sure.
In my girls D, favorite line - Better to have lost a love, than to love a loser!


Anonymous said...

Thought you werent going to write sad stories anymore? He gets way too much of your precious time.