Monday, May 4, 2009

Emptying THE drawer...

I told you all that I was going for his drawer this weekend. Okay, so I didn't completely empty it out, but I did consolidate. I'm trying, I'm trying...2 drawers, now stuffed into 1. I was quite surprised on how easy it was, I was laughing and thinking about how stupid he is/was. A f*cking(excuse me) clown. Not only did I consolidate, but 6am, wide awake(remember,i havent been sleeping well) I took all his numbers out of my phone!I honestly just hope I don't ever bump into him, at least for a good year, I don't think I'll be able to hold my composure,the anger boiled up inside is no good...

My cousins communion was this weekend, she looked so beautiful, its always a good time spending time with the fam, always exciting, never a dull moment.

Today was an odd day, I didn't get much sleep last night. Too much running through my mind, thousand miles an hour...

Theres a reason for everything, I am sure of this, I tell myself everyday, just to make it easier...


Anonymous said...

First of all: Good riddance! I hope you burned all that sh*t.

And second of all: think how much more space you now have to store your accessories! Forever 21 trip is in order!!!!