Monday, May 11, 2009

Battle of the Camera Phone Pics!!!

No, I wont be posting them up, because I am sure you all saw them by now. I was cracking up because as hard as Cassie is trying, she still cant get any shine - here comes RiRi, dropping some steamy pics a day later. Rumor has it that J.Lo's pics are dropping next! I know alot of you will be waiting patiently for those... possibly by tomorrow, but I cant promise.
What did you all think of the pics, I personally like Cassies better, they look a little more *classier* (for lack of better words) - RiRis just showing her ass, grabbing it at times, lol. I wonder if the piercings hurt though? They looked a little painful.
Ciara should drop some next, maybe she will sell more albums.... on second thought, should I leak some of my own??? HAHAHA - Playing, totally playing... ;)
I need to get me a camera phone STAT!!!