Monday, June 1, 2009

Straight from My Soul...

You repulse me.
Fuck your lies.
Now I look at you
And hate lights up my eyes.
Love subsides.
Keep pulling this shit
Not tired yet?
It’s a waste of time.
I'll never believe you.
Your words mean nothing.
Like shattered glass
It’s only good for cutting.
So go cut yourself
Next time you think of me.
All the lies you told
You've made my heart bleed.
My days filled with calamity
I gave you my trust
I gave you my soul
You've mutilated all that
Never to see it again in your lifetime.
Sorry clown
You've crossed the thin line.
So much has been said
Little has been heard
But nothing ever forgotten.
To forgive you this time
Just not an option.
I’ve had all I can take
No more pretend
Its time for me to be strong
The bullshit has come to end.


Anonymous said...

WOW-So tell me how you really feel...