Friday, June 19, 2009

Slowly but surely...

getting over my swine flu(yes, I took it upon myself to diagnose it). I woke up so happy today! Weather is FINALLY getting a little better AND its my last day of work, next week I'm on furlough and I cant wait to just relax. I had a great Wednesday, networked, went bowling and ended up a cigar lounge, had such a good time. And the wierdest thing happened to me... I was driving home on 17, and all of a sudden my truck gets hit with something, so I get in my driveway and theres and egg dripping down the trunk! HAHA, my car got egged!! Who does that? Really? It was so random... Def gonna wash my truck this weekend, maybe even con agua bendita! ;)
I'm going to the primas house today, have a couple drinks, ok fine, more than a couple, eat a little, looking forward to some yummy Chinese today!!! Catch up on the bullshit of our everyday life.
I finally feel like things are coming together. Its amazing the good things that come to you once you allow yourself to be blessed and be part of something so much bigger than yourself.
Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're finally feeling better, and things are getting better for you! You deserve all the good things that may come.